Ready for some Back to School STEM activities to light your students up? 🍎 These 5 apple STEM activities are sure to be a hit in your classroom this fall!
As I’m writing this, the new school year is just around the corner. For some, that realization is met with excitement at the possibilities a clean slate offers; for others, the new school year might bring along pangs of anxiety or even sadness. Maybe you’re still feeling burned out from last year. How could the summer already be ending?!
Most teachers have probably felt this way heading back to school at least once. For me, creating back to school apple STEM activities reinvigorated my enthusiasm for teaching. There is something so powerful in facilitating challenges and observing your students become resilient, self-reliant problem-solvers that just makes you feel good. 🥰

Here’s a very quick visual of each of the 5 Apple STEM Activities in action:
If you’re a STEM Challenge enthusiast, you know any challenge can be used for any age with just a few modifications. If you’re new to the game — or just tired of doing all the heavy-lifting yourself — check out the video walk-throughs linked next to each challenge below as well as teaching resources for modifications for grades 2-8.
Here’s a quick description of 5 of my favorite Back-to-School Apple STEM activities, plus links to their video walk-throughs and teaching resources for each one:
Table of Contents
Back to School STEM Activity 1: Apples Aloft

Apples Aloft — students build a tower to support the weight of at least one apple. Connect it to your lessons on balanced forces! Get all the details including materials needed & a video walk-through on the Apples Aloft blog post.
Or, grab the teaching resource here.
Back to School STEM Activity 2: Apple Annihilator

Apple Annihilator — students build a wrecking ball to knock down marker pins. Connect it to your lessons on Newton’s laws of motion! Get all the details including materials needed & a video walk-through on the Apple Annihilator blog post.
Or, you can grab the teaching resource here.
Back to School STEM Activity 3: Apples A-head

Apples A-head — students build a device to balance an apple on their head. For more challenge, have students run a relay race with their devices to test them out! Connect it to your lessons on gravity & balanced forces! Get all the details including materials needed & a video walk-through on the Apples A-head blog post.
Or, you can grab the teaching resource here.
Back to School STEM Activity 4: Apples Afar

Apples Afar– students build a cantilever to support the weight of at least one apple. Connect it to your lessons on balanced forces! Get all the details including materials needed & a video walk-through on the Apples Afar blog post.
Or, you can grab the teaching resource here.
Back to School STEM Activity 5: Apple Ally

Apple Ally — students build a device to catch apples and keep them off the ground. Connect it to your lessons on Newton’s laws of motion! Get all the details including materials needed & a video walk-through on the Apple Ally blog post.
Or, you can grab the teaching resource here.

Grab the entire bundle and make this the best back-to-school ever! 🥰
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