An elementary school classroom with two desk chairs with backpacks hung on them in the foreground.

STEM <30 Min

STEM Activities Built for the Time-Bound Classroom

STEM in 30 Minutes or Less.

Feel Good Teaching’s STEM in 30 Minutes or Less is a teacher resource packed with easy STEM activities that can be completed in under 30 minutes. This downloadable resource offers a variety of engaging, hands-on projects that promote critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills, all essential for STEM learning. Whether you’re looking for back-to-school STEM activities or projects integrating science, technology, engineering, and math throughout the year, STEM in 30 Minutes or Less has you covered!

It’s not a fantasy.
STEM in <30 minutes is POSSIBLE.

Introducing the Ultimate 30-Min STEM Kit for teachers who…

  • Want a ready-to-go tool kit of quick & easy STEM activities!
  • Need easy STEM activities for centers & sub plans that don’t require a ton of materials. Say goodbye to returning to a messy classroom!
  • Don’t want to “fill” time with fluff. These activities were thoughtfully created to focus on often-neglected areas of STEM.

45 Quick Builds

Quick challenges using 5 or fewer simple materials.
Each build comes with 2 options so students can self-differentiate!

Included: 45 Challenges

7 Sets of STEM Improv

Develop creativity, mental flexibility & the planning step of the Engineering Design Process (EDP).

Included: 7 sets / 2,352 possible design combinations!

STEM Resource- Design Domino

Design Domino

Students think critically & creatively to plan customized designs for specific animals.

Included: 12 cards / 432 possible design combinations!

Analyze This vs. That

Analyze sets of 2, 3, or 4 real-world designs that solve the same or similar problems.

Included: 2 sets / 54 cards

STEM Ideals

Teach character education with this easy STEM activity. Designed specifically around 25 traits of STEM professionals

Included: 5 sets of 5 ideals with posters,
activities & awards

Would You Rather STEM

Would You Rather STEM questions are all about critical thinking & helping students shift their minds into thinking like scientists to prepare them for your lessons.

Included: 2 sets / 60 cards

8 Ways to Use…

In this creativity exercise students stretch their brains & “vary the verb” to find 8+ unusual ways to use everyday objects.

Included: 2 sets / 64 cards

Speak, Listen, Draw

Practice communication skills (one of the 4 Cs of Engineering) by giving & following directions to draw pictures. Also helps reinforce math vocabulary, estimation, and measurement skills.

Included: 44 cards

Collaboration Lesson

Students explore what good collaboration should look like & sound like.

Included: One lesson


Students practice observing, thinking, & questioning. It sets up an environment that provides the time & mental space needed to develop curiosity & divergent thinking.

Included: 8 sets. Plants & Animals (241 cards), & Earth Science (50 cards)

Bonus – The 4 C’s Posters (+ Curiosity)

Add the 4 Cs of Engineering posters to your classroom decor or add curiosity — the 5th C of engineering, in my humble opinion! Comes with quick activity to explore & discuss each C.

Included: 5 posters and reflection pages

This is what you’ve been waiting for!

Your students engaged in the 4 Cs of Engineering with time to spare!

Here’s What Teachers Have to Say About These Easy STEM Activities:

Ready to start? Purchase your
STEM in <30 Min Now:

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